Community Information
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Pursuant to KRS 100.217 this board grants variances from zoning regulations with the city. This is an independent, three(3) member board appointed by the Mayor and subject to the approval of the city council. Current members of this board are Mrs. Anita May, Mr. Glen Hamilton, and Mr. Jesse McCreesh.
Code Enforcement
Pursuant to KRS 65.8804 to 65.8839 this board is to protect, promote and improve health, safety and welfare of the citizens residing with the city. This board has the authority to issue remedial orders and impose fines in order to provide an equitable, expeditious, effective and inexpensive method of ensuring compliance with the ordinances in force within the city. As of right now, the Code Enforcement Board meets on the 3rd Monday of the month prior to the Cloverport City Council meeting in Cloverport City Hall. Current members of this board are Code Enforcement Officer - Adam Vergason, Recorder - Mrs. Cathy Roach, Mr. Roy Smith, Ms. Kris Seibert and Beth Weatherholt.
Pursuant to KRS 82.082 and KRS 65.003 this board is charged with establishing a code of ethical conduct applicable to the officers and employees of the city and city agencies. This is an independent, five(5) member board appointed by the Mayor and subject to the approval of the city council. This board meets biannually. Current members are Mrs. Jean Hook, Mr. Neal Tindle, Mrs. Jeannie Burden, Ms. Shannon Bradley and Mrs. Doug Gray.
Parks and Recreation
Pursuant to KRS 97.030 this board operates parks and recreational facilities within the city. This is an independent, five(5) member board appointed by the Mayor and subject to the approval of the city council. The board members are always welcoming new volunteers. The vibrance and availability of parks, recreation and community programs is directly proportionally to the amount of people who are willing to donate and/or volunteer their time. Current members are Chairperson - Mr. Todd Akridge, Mr. Nathan Moore, Mr. William "Billy" Weatherholt, Mrs. Erica Richardson and Ms. Allison Simmons - Secretary. Photo by: Mrs. Emma Taul

Planning and Zoning
Pursuant to KRS 100.133 this board regulates land use within the city. This is an independent, five(5) member board appointed by the Mayor and subject to the approval of the city council. Current members are Mr. Tim Mattingly, Mrs. Cathy Roach, Ms. Bethany Brent, Mr. Doug Gray and Ms. Jenny Griffith.
Coming Soon!!
If you are interested in taking a more active role with our community, please feel free to call Cloverport City Hall at (270)788-6632 to learn about opportunities that are available.
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